From back in tha day, many weeks ago, I experienced one of the coolest - ha, literally - parties I've ever been to.. And one of the warmest. The organizers and founders of the Igloofest Vieux Port De Montreal have a joie de vivre that translated into creating this spirited festival atmosphere and friendly ambiance that literally made me stay, even though it was sort of, but actually, somewhat incorrigibly cold ;)) I just kept staying - I swear it was the vibe and the music, and the uplifting mood of the partyers.. and the beer was great..
I went with Decoded Magazine North America - Peter Damian and I had a stellar time.. you can check out a bit of what we experienced here, including interviews with one of the founders, one of the most enthusiastic and genuine people I've met, Nicolas Cournoyer, as well as one with the lovely, creatively eclectic, thoughtful and multi-talented Jimmy Edgar...